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When non-metal atoms bond to other non-metal atoms they share electrons to form covalent bonds.   1.46 Activity 2. Crossing and do...

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When non-metal atoms bond to other non-metal atoms they share electrons to form covalent bonds.   1.44 - 1.45 Activity. Opposites ...

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Covalent bonding can lead to the formation of lattices

Covalent bonds form when electrons are shared between nuclei Atoms which can form two or more covalent bonds can bond with other similar ato...

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Ice melts at 0 degrees C, Diamond remains solid until its temperature is above 3500 degrees

Look at the images of ice and diamond.  In some senses you might say the two substances are similar.  Both substances are solid,&n...

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Ice melts at 0 degrees C, Diamond remains solid until its temperature is above 3500 degrees

Look at the images of ice and diamond.  In some senses you might say the two substances are similar.  Both substances are solid,&n...

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When non-metal atoms bond to other non-metal atoms they share electrons to form covalent bonds. 

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When non-metal atoms bond to other non-metal atoms they share electrons to form covalent bonds.   1.45 Activity. Opposites attract...

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When non-metal atoms bond to other non-metal atoms they share electrons to form covalent bonds. 

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