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Electrolysis is often used to give metal objects a decorative coating. This is known as electroplating.

 1.55 Using electrolysis Electrolysis happens when an electric current is passed through an ionic compound which has been melted or dissolved.&nb...

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If a nucleus was the size of a raisin, the rest of the atom would be the size of a sports stadium

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Solid, liquid or gas?

 1.1 Introducing the states Matter can exist in one of three fundamental states: Solid, Liquid or Gas Here we consider the way in which these thr...

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Fireworks get their colours from the metal cations in them

 2.45 - 2.46 Up in flames Fireworks produce a whole range of different colours. All fireworks release energy in the form of heat energy and are t...

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More than 75% of the elements in the periodic table are metalsMetals are extremely useful materials with a wide variety of uses. This is d...

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Flame colours can help to identify the metal ion in a compound

Flame tests can be used to identify some metal ions (cations).Lithium, sodium, potassium, calcium and copper compounds producedistinctive colours in fl...

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Rust forms on iron and steel as a result of a redox reaction between iron and oxygen.

 2.15 - 2.20 Loss and gain Oxidation and reduction reactions are very commonplace. When a element combines with oxygen that element is said to ha...

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Ionic compounds form when the atoms of a metal combine with the atoms of a non - metal 

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Relative masses allow chemists to "count out" atoms and molecules so they can ensure that the appropriate amounts of substances are reacted.

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If a nucleus was the size of a raisin, the rest of the atom would be the size of a sports stadium

 Atomic models Atoms are the building blocks of matter. Atoms are the smallest possible particles into which an element can be subdivided, withou...

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